Basic Green Smoothie


Basic Green Smoothie


Green smoothies are a delicious way to gently detox the body daily as they are full of fibre and support healthy bowel function. They are also an easy way to increase your daily vegetable and antioxidant intake and are very satisfying. This is a basic recipe so experiment and work out your favourite!

Please note if you have low thyroid function: It is important not to use cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale,cabbage, bok choy, rocket, mustard greens or watercress as these suppress your thyroid function. Instead use cos or romaine lettuce, swiss chard, cucumber and spinach. To increase iodine in your diet you could include one teaspoon of dulse flakes.



Liquid (1/2-1 cup)

Use purified water, unsweetened nut milk or coconut water.
(Use more liquid if desired to suit taste)

Greens (2 large handfuls) – Make sure you mix these up! They can include kale, swiss chard, spinach, cos or romaine lettuce, bok choy and 1 green apple. Add leafy herbs if desired such as coriander, parsley and continental parsley, basil or mint.

Nuts or Seeds (1-2 tablespoons)

Such as flax seeds (ground or whole), chia seeds, hemp seeds, raw almonds or walnuts.
These are full of protein and Omega-3 oils as well as other wonderful nutrients.

Add Ins

If you need to add a bit of fruit you can include 1/2 cup of fresh berries or a banana and juice of 1/2 lemon.
For a creamier texture add 1/2 a banana or 1/4 of an avocado.
Increase the cleansing potential of your smoothie by adding a teaspoon of barley or wheatgrass powder, spirulina or phytoplankton.
For energy throw in a teaspoon of Maca Powder, Raw Cacao or organic cinnamon powder.


Blend vegetables, liquid and nuts and seeds or other add ins to your desired consistency.